Bethel Crc Lacombe

June 4/23- The Sabbath Rest Hebrews 3:7-4:16



Today we are continuing our series based on the book of Hebrews. We will be reflecting on Hebrews 3:7-4:16 -The Sabbath Rest. The writer of Hebrews invites us to make sure that we enter into the sabbath rest God offers us through Jesus. He roots sabbath rest in creation. The first thing God does after creating humanity is to invite them to spend the day with him. Together they get to know the very good creation. The writer also ties the exodus of Israel to sabbath rest. We are invited to experience freedom from the work week and pressures of providing for ourselves and our families. By spending the day with God in his very good creation, we are pointed to the renewal of creation at the second coming of Jesus.