Christy Wright's Business Boutique

BB Ep 35: The Benefits of Practicing Gratitude with Chris Brown



For many of us, the holidays are a time when it's easy to be thankful. But when the celebrations are over and the decorations are packed, a spirit of gratitude becomes harder to maintain. So in this episode, we're going to dive deep into the benefits of incorporating daily gratitude into your business and life. I'll share my top twelve reasons I'm thankful for thankfulness! My guest this week is pastor, speaker and host of the Life, Money, Hope podcast, Chris Brown. As a businessman, father, husband and pastor, he has helped people discover what it means to intentionally pursue their God-given purpose, and he'll share his tips on how to incorporate gratitude into your daily life! Our success story is Jane VanOsdol, owner of Botanically Me. Jane is taking the concepts she's learned from Business Boutique and is in the process of relaunching her business. Plus, I'll answer your business questions from our Nashville Business Boutique event! 1:06 The 12 Benefits of Gratitude 16:54 Interview with Chris Brown 42:33