Andrew Farley

EPIC: High-Impact Truths in the New Testament – Part 7



Romans 8 reveals something incredible: There’s no condemnation for those in Christ. That’s right – there’s no angry, accusing, or critical voice from God. Ever. He’s for us, not against us! Join me as we unpack how this game-changing truth can transform your relationship with God and your everyday life. You’ll see the powerful reminder that Christian growth is not about trying harder; it’s about realizing what’s already true about you. Ready to trade in fleshly, religious effort for a Spirit-led adventure? Click to watch now, and let’s dive into this liberating message together! Discussion Questions for Romans 8: Read verses 1-2. How does understanding that there is no condemnation for those in Christ Jesus impact how you relate to God? Read verses 3-4. What does it mean that the requirement of the Law is fulfilled in us? How does this shape your view of grace? Read verses 5-6. How do you differentiate between setting your mind on the flesh versus setting your mind on the Spirit? Which is your new “default”