Dr. Caroline Leaf Podcast

How to optimize mental clarity, focus, memory, & mood by monitoring your glucose + how stress affects glucose levels, and how I used a Neurocycle to lower a stress-induced glucose spike!



**Pre-order my new book Cleaning up Your Mental Mess here & get access to exclusive pre-order bonuses like a workbook, bonus chapters and more: https://www.cleaningupyourmentalmess.com/Sign up to join my free text program and receive mental health care tips. Just text DRLEAF to 1 (833) 285 3747Register for my FREE NeuroCycle workshop (Feb 27th!): https://neurocycle.eventbrite.comSHOW DESCRIPTION: In this podcast I speak with Josh Clemente, one of Levels a company that developed a smart tracker that monitors your blood glucose in real time, so you can maximize your diet, exercise, mental health and overall wellbeing. Josh and I discuss the importance of tracking your glucose levels, how to know what changes to make based on the data, techniques to balance glucose levels and increase metabolic flexibility, how sleep affects glucose levels, how to use a glucose monitor to improve mental health and decrease the risk for neurodegenerative diseases, and so much more! Plus, I share how I used a Neurocycle to low