Dr. Caroline Leaf Podcast

How to use the Neurocycle to manage intense mood swings & depression + why it's normal to have emotional ups & downs, and how to know when it's time to get help



**Pre-order my new book Cleaning up Your Mental Mess here & get access to exclusive pre-order bonuses like a workbook, bonus chapters and more: https://www.cleaningupyourmentalmess.com/Sign up to join my free text program and receive mental health care tips. Just text DRLEAF to 1 (833) 285 3747Register for my FREE NeuroCycle workshop (Feb 27th!): https://neurocycle.eventbrite.comSHOW DESCRIPTION: In this podcast I share how to use the 5 step NeuroCycle to manage mood swings and extreme feelings of depression, what these warning signals are telling us about ourselves, how to tune into your warning signals & self-regulate your thinking, the myths surrounding depression, and how you can help someone who is struggling with severe ups and downs.OFFERS FROM OUR SPONSORS:-BLUblox, the best glasses and remedy sleep masks to reduce your exposure to harmful blue and green light that can affect your mental health and sleep. To get 15% off your BLUblox glasses and use the code DRLEAF at checkout: blublox.com-Thri