Rich Zeoli

“Rogue Attorney Psycho Jack Smith”



The Rich Zeoli Show- Hour 2: 4:05pm- Elbridge Colby—Former Deputy Assistant Secretary of Defense for Strategy and Force Development in the Trump Administration—joins The Rich Zeoli Show from the RNC Convention. Today’s convention theme is “Make America Strong Again”—after years of Joe Biden signaling weakness internationally, how will a future Trump Administration reverse course? 4:15pm- Caroline Sunshine—Deputy Director of Communications, Donald J. Trump for President—joins The Rich Zeoli Show from the RNC Convention in Milwaukee, WI. While discussing the many failures of Bidenomics and the inflated cost of fast food, Sunshine hilariously notes that Joe Biden might be a “few French fries short of a Happy Meal.” 4:50pm- Perry Stein and Devlin Barrett of The Washington Post write: “Special counsel Jack Smith formally filed notice on Wednesday that he will appeal a Florida judge’s decision to dismiss Donald Trump’s 40-count indictment for allegedly mishandling classified documents and obstructing government eff