

We’ve all had times when life feels overwhelming and nothing is going right. But here’s something I want you to remember: you’re not powerless in those situations. In fact, taking back control is easier than you might think, and it starts with a few small, yet powerful changes. In today’s episode, I’m excited to show you just how simple it can be to bounce back from whatever life throws at you. I’m going to walk you through the exact routine I use when it feels like things are falling apart. And the best part is, you can use these steps to improve your finances, relationships, or even your mental and physical health. By the end, you’ll not only feel calmer and more in charge, but you’ll also learn how to inspire those around you to do the same. So, you can be a shining example of resilience and leadership that others look up to and follow. KEY TAKEAWAYS You're not actually out of control; you just feel that way Focusing on what’s out of your control only makes you feel more powerless You can’t control what y