By Faith With Christine Hoover

Missie Branch on Serving in Obscurity (Best of By Faith)



Christine talks with Missie Branch, Assistant Dean of Students to Women and Director of Graduate Life at Southeastern Baptist Theological Seminary. Missie says the job she's in now "found her," but before that she was at home with her kids, homeschooling them, helping her husband pursue his career goals, and serving in what she calls "the obscure years." Whether or not we're married or single, mothering or not, homeschooling or not, most of our service happens in obscure, unseen ways. Christine asks Missie about how she navigated times when she felt uncertain, when she felt her gifts and passions were going untapped, and how she cultivated contentment in where God has had her along the way. Missie looks back over the course of her life and service and shares how God doesn't waste a single gift or season in our lives.CHRISTINE'S NEW BIBLE STUDY Lifeway // AmazonREVIEW BY FAITH ON ITUNESCONNECTConnect with MissieTwitter // Instagram // FacebookCONNECT Connect with ChristineWebsite // Facebook // Instagram // Tw