By Faith With Christine Hoover

Ministering to Singles (an interview with Erin Berkey)



“The point of life is not to get married. The point of life is to walk well with Jesus.” My guest today, Erin Berkey, shares these words as a core principle in the single adult ministry she and her husband lead. Far too often within the church, singles are overlooked and left behind. Erin joins me to offer practical, loving ways that we as ministry wives can build singles up in Christ while inviting them into our lives and into leadership. EPISODE GUIDE 1. Recognize that singles have different needs than families or married couples. 2. Create space for singles in the church by encouraging them to take part in ministry and valuing them as much as married couples. 3. Bridge the gap between married and single women by inviting them into your life and sharing your journey with Christ. Set the example and urge others to do the same. BEST QUOTES “Young adults need to understand their identity in Christ because it’s hard not to find identity in the wrong things, like their marital status. ‘Once I g