By Faith With Christine Hoover

Anxiety and the Ministry Wife (an interview with Scarlet Hiltibidal)



The pressures of performing well as a ministry or pastor’s wife often fill us with anxiety. It’s easy to become lost in expectations and turn our eyes on ourselves. Author Scarlet Hiltibidal joins me today to discuss anxiety as a pastor’s wife. Scarlet, a self-proclaimed anxiety expert, shares how she fights fear with a heavenly gaze and an open Bible. EPISODE GUIDE 1. Anxiety whispers different fears to every woman’s heart. 2. There’s nothing wrong with wanting to be a good ministry wife and mother, but it’s not about you, keep looking upward to Jesus. 3. We’re all a mess; take it to the Lord together, open His Word and do what it says. BEST QUOTES “I was so anxious about my own goodness and what other people thought of me and what God thought of me. I could have said to you, ‘God sees the perfection of Jesus when He looks at me,’ but I didn’t live like I believed that, so I wasn’t at peace.” — Scarlet Hiltibidal “When I do something good, it’