A Taylored Adventure To Happiness

How to Become a Yes for More



Welcome to The Embodied Woman Podcast. Today we are talking all about being a “Fuck Yes”. In this episode, we cover what it means to be a fuck yes, how it feels, and of course how to embody that feeling. We dive into reflecting on your decisions, how to find where in your body you feel into those yes and no’s, and how to start leaning into those body responses in order to unlock the deliciousness of life.  In this episode you will hear: Reflecting on the last time you made a fuck yes decision What happens energetically when you say yes and actually take aligned action  Who are you being and how it will help you expand into your desires The power of leaning into your body’s yes’s  Getting curious about where those nervous feelings are coming from The importance of tuning into your body and where it say yes or no  What actually makes success and getting clients inevitable in your life The meaning behind the “no” and the expansion it comes with   Find Your Archetype: Take The UNTAMED Archetype Quiz here   Do