Mary English Astrologer Blog

Episode 401 - Mercury retro French Astro Psychologist/Statistician & Writer Françoise Gauquelin (Schneider)



As Mercury is (still) retrograding I thought it would be nice to cover the Astro chart of Swiss-French psychologist and statistician Françoise Gauquelin. Her (ex) husband was Michel Gauquelin see Episodes and   Here is her natal chart   Françoise Gauquelin/Schneider Gemini Asc, Sun in Gemin in 1st house, Mercury retro conjunct Asc located in 12th house Moon in Scorpio in 6th house   YEAR of marriage (NOT DATE!) Trans Pluto conjunct natal Mars, trans uranus conjunct natal Pluto   Transits for date of birth for her/their son Daniel He was born Sun Taurus, Moon Virgo possibly conjunct retro Uranus/Pluto conjunction Date of divorce Trans Chiron on Asc, trans Saturn on natal Moon, trans Neptune in 7th conjucnt natal retro Saturn   Date Françoise Dies   References,_Fran%C3%A7oise