

Recovering What We Have Lost as Writers 2 Kings 6:1-7 In this little story tucked away in the Old Testament, we see several nuggets we can apply to our lives and our writing. Like the young prophet in the story, we may find ourselves losing our “cutting edge” and feeling powerless.  This group of prophets were building a new meeting place and insisted that their leader, Elisha, accompany them down to the Jordan River where they would cut down trees for the new facility. They were busy doing good work until one of them lost his ax head which sank to the bottom of the Jordan. At times, we can also be busy doing good work until we lose our cutting edge. In our case, we can refer to the power of God as our cutting edge. It’s the ability to get the job done most efficiently rather than relying on our own strength. Imagine trying to cut down a tree with only a wooden ax handle. It would be like our flesh trying to cut into the spiritual realm which is something bigger and more powerful than what we possess without