James Wilson Institute Podcast

Restoring Constitutional Unity with Yuval Levin



Join the Anchoring Truths Podcast team and Dr. Yuval Levin for a deep-dive into how the Constitution may unify us again. In his new book American Covenant: How the Constitution Unified Our Nation and Could Again, Levin gives us a thorough analysis of both the written and unwritten constitution and why that structure that the American Founders gave us is still morally good and durable. Levin argues that we today through our institutions need to devote ourselves toward the project of recovering those habits and practices that historically have sustained our life under the Constitution. Yuval Levin is the director of Social, Cultural, and Constitutional Studies at the American Enterprise Institute (AEI), where he also holds the Beth and Ravenel Curry Chair in Public Policy. He is the author of numerous books besides American Covenant. The founder and editor of National Affairs, he is also a senior editor at The New Atlantis, a contributing editor at National Review, and a contributing opinion writer at New York