Christina & Sally Talk Astrology

8: Your Month Ahead: August 23 - Sept 22 2019



Christina & Sally head to Kew Gardens to view Chihuly's stunning glass sculptures, entitled Reflections On Nature. We discover Chihuly was born on a Sun/Neptune conjunction in Virgo - Virgo rules nature, Neptune rules reflection. Therefore, it's the perfect place to record the latest podcast with a strong Virgo theme - albeit we're in the car (listen to find out why!) We love the month coming up, with some big astrology around the Pisces Full Moon, including the third Jupiter-Neptune square this year. Do listen in. Love Astrology Webinar - September 15th: 18:00-19:30 Plus, we hope you'll join us on the weekend of the emotional Full Moon - perfect timing? - as we host our first astrology webinar. The theme is Love. You'll find out how astrology can help you gain insight on all aspects of your relationships, love and connection. The link to book your place is here: If you can't make the event, you can still sign up to receive