Christina & Sally Talk Astrology

Astrology Talk: Saturn Enters Pisces Making The Unreal Real - Feb 18 to March 20, 2023



Pisces Season The theme of endings and new beginnings runs throughout the coming month of astrology. The month begins with a glorious New Moon at 1° Pisces on February 20th, a time to dive deep into your emotions, to begin something pure and true. Plus, a lovely Venus-Jupiter conjunction in Aries on March 2nd brings luck & good fortune for some star signs. Yet, Saturn dominates this month, the planet linked to rules & reality, boundaries & endings. On the day of the Full Moon, March 7th, Saturn enters uncharted waters as the planet of solidity moves into the last star sign Pisces, God of the sea. Will this require a sacrifice, some form of surrender? Will the unreal become real or will boundaries be dissolved? Christina & Sally dive deep into the symbolic meaning of Saturn's move into Pisces where it will remain for the next couple of years. Join us and listen in to find out what this means for you and how best to navigate your month ahead. Sally - Christina - oxfordastro