Christina & Sally Talk Astrology

Astrology Talk: Mercury Retrograde & A Turning-Point New Moon In Virgo - Aug 23 to Sept 23, 2023



Virgo season is upon us, traditionally a time of harvest, a return to work (Virgo) after play (Leo), back to school after holiday season. This month feels unusually chaotic as it begins with a double retrograde phase - both Venus (love/money/beauty) and Mercury (communication/mind) in retreat.  Plus, by the end of Virgo season, all the slower moving planets will be retrograde, i.e. Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune & Pluto. This is making for a topsy-turvy time and it may serve you well to learn to tango your way through the month ahead. One step forward, two steps back - ooh, let's go sideways instead. Use the Blue Moon Full Moon on August 31st to gain clarity and insight. And, there may be moments of awakening and understanding close to September 4th when Venus turns direct. Use this coming month to sort the wheat from the chaff, focus on what's important and discard what's not. If you're feeling overwhelmed, get back to basics and do what you can to create a sense of order in your life. The New