Christina & Sally Talk Astrology

Astrology Talk Investigate: Why did Rupert Murdoch choose his successor?



In this November episode of Astrology Talk Investigates, hosts Christina Rodenbeck and Sally Kirkman, take a deep dive into the astrological charts of one of the world's most powerful media families: the Murdochs. This familial dynasty, with hit show Succession said to be based on them, has Australian-born Rupert Murdoch at its core, and is dissected, analysed and discussed in a fascinating interplay of astrology and family dynamics. Under our astrological microscope is the formidable Piscean, Rupert Murdoch, under his company News Corp, owns hundreds of local and international publishing outlets including The Sun and The Times in the UK, The Daily Telegraph, The Australian, Herald Sun in Australia, The Wall Street Journal and the New York Post in America. He used to own Sky until a few years ago and currently still owns Fox News. Christina and Sally explore Rupert Murdoch's astrological chart, identifying the key celestial bodies associated with Rupert’s prominence and success, as well as discussing thre