Calvary Chapel Sydney

Ben Grisez - Galatians 6:7-10 Growing Weary?



Synopsis: In his epistle to the Galatian church, Paul urged believers not to be deceived or to grow weary in doing good. Because the everlasting God is good and does not grow faint, He supplies strength to us to miraculously do good as we wait on Him and hope in His word. Rather than growing weary, we are to take heart and wait patiently for our God who loves us and gives us His Spirit. Verses in order of appearance: Micah 6:8 Deuteronomy 10:12-13 Galatians 6:7-10 Hebrews 4:13 Romans 8:5-6 Psalm 130:5-6 Psalm 27:13-14 2 Kings 4:1-7 John 6:11-13 Malachi 1:13 Galatians 6:10 Isaiah 40:28-31