Meditations By Ian White Maher: Praise | Gratitude | Joy | Transformation

We are in love with our own slavery



What you think about God really says more about you than it says about God. God is not a what. God is not a thing. There is no “this is” that can be called God. God is immaterial. But the water we swim in, that which we don’t even recognize all around us, is material. We objectify everything. We objectify ourselves. We objectify God. And we become prisoners of our own thinking. Our purpose is to live in concert with creation. It is to stand in the sunshine of our true self and to witness our true face in the waterfall and the flower and the bird song and in the person next to us. The hidden treasure that lives within you has no material expression. That treasure is simply a lived life. It is curious as to why it is so hard to listen to our own lives and why it seems so desirable to want to live someone else’s life or a life defined for us by TV, but the spiritual path is to let go of that material and to see what magic is waiting for us. This is worship not of some external God, separate and distant, but ra