League Of Adventurous Singles With Kira Sabin

Why Ghosting Makes You An Asshole



Well shit! I blogged about this a while ago, but it needed to be said.  Out loud.  To the masses.   Yes, I am being dramatic. I can't even try to tell you how many times I hear the stories.  "We had a couple of dates, I was interested and then I never heard from them again!"   I mean, what? What about dating nowadays says that you don't need to let someone know you are interested? That letting them hang there, wondering what the heck happened, has become ok?   I am on a mission to change this and I want your help! Let's pull the crazy train in the station, shall we? Today's podcast is the importance or changing this and then HOW to do it. Today's hard core truth:  When you are dating, there are going to be freak outs & awkward moments, but we HAVE to remember to be kind to each other. Your Adventure of the Day: Today, is easy.  Just commit to help make the change.  Understanding that with this basic kindness comes more love.  Then....SPREAD THE WORD!  40 people doing this is a change, but what about 400 o