League Of Adventurous Singles With Kira Sabin

Start From The Ending



Occasionally, life hits us over the head with an idea over and over again until we figure it out. That is what this podcast was for me. Listen in on how this mind-blowing idea will change the way you date.  I am serious....it is that good. YOUR ADVENTURE OF THE DAY: What could you begin doing differently when meeting new people to start things the way you want them to end? BONUS: I am going to share a song by one of my favorite artists from college, David Wilcox. I woke up with this song in my head and it was the smack that I needed to get this idea out to you. He talks a little in the beginning about how bad his first date went with his wife and how it's badness created the wonderful relationship they have now. I don't necessarily suggest this kind of honesty for a first date, but I do believe being who you are, in all of your imperfect awesomeness, is always the best answer.