Sober Cast: An (unofficial) Alcoholics Anonymous Podcast Aa

Workshop: Catch the Buzz with the Steps - Earl H (1 of 6)



Earl H did this "Catch the Buzz" workshop a number of times in different parts of the US, this one is from 2005 and was held in Sacramento California. This is one of six but Im adding it as a single episode and was not planning on posting the other 5. That said, if you get into it and you would like to hear the rest shoot me an email.Edit: I had a large number of emails so Ill put up the rest starting tomorrow. I just added 4 new events to the event list. The 47th Annual Cornhusker Roundup being held in Omaha Nebraska in mid August.  Details: The Redwood Coast Roundup being held in early August in Fortuna Calif.  Details:   The 18th Annual Mountain AA Conference held in Big Bear Lake California in the middle of August.  Details: The Sever cAAmpvention held in Gloucestershire in the United Kingdom at the beginning of September (this one looks like a lot of fun).  Details: If you have any AA or Al-Anon event coming up let me