

Do You Feel Rusty in Your Writing? “We must all either wear out or rust out, every one of us. My choice is to wear out.” - Theodore Roosevelt “There is a time for everything. We wait on God to renew our batteries, and then when they are up to full power, we turn them loose into the work of God.” - A.W. Tozer “Christians are like farm implements. Farm machinery seldom wears out. If you keep your machinery up, you can use it summer in and summer out until it becomes obsolete. The idle machine sitting in dampness will go to pieces in one season, but that same machine used for 10 years will only make it shine. One year of sitting around sulking will do more to rust your soul than 100 years of hard work, if God granted you that many years” - A.W. Tozer We can easily apply the above quotes to our own writing. There’s certainly a time to rest but we must be careful not to rust. Writing is a skill that must be practiced and refined over time. Staying consistent with a writing habit will help “keep our machinery up” s