Ben Greenfield Fitness: Diet, Fat Loss And Performance

Healing Your Gut (Finally), Why You Shouldn't Freak Out About Food Labels, What Your Poop Can Tell You About Your Gut & More With Dr. Lauryn Lax



Picture receiving a diagnosis of 13 "incurable" illnesses, a daunting revelation where hope seems elusive, and the prospect of a life defined by suffering and pain becomes your reality. Today's guest, Dr. Lauryn Lax, intimately knows this struggle, as her own journey unfolded against the backdrop of such adversity. Now, she's on a mission to help people disrupt old paradigms, unleash their inner wisdom, and ignite their full potential.  As a Doctor of Occupational Therapy, clinical nutritionist, and functional medicine practitioner, Dr. Lauryn's expertise spans over two decades, making her a specialist in gut health, hormone imbalances, toxic mold recovery, and disordered eating. Her personal story has been featured on ABC, Good Morning America, TEDx, CBS, and USA Today. You can follow her work by tuning in to The Health Detective Podcast, where she discusses topics like functional medicine, nutrition, mindset, gut healing, hormone balance, and food freedom. She's also published eight books, including Total G