Dr Bergs Healthy Keto And Intermittent Fasting Podcast

Eat This For HASHIMOTO'S (Slow Thyroid)



Today, I’m going to tell you why two Brazil nuts each day may help with hypothyroid conditions. Most hypothyroid conditions are really Hashimoto’s disease, which is an autoimmune condition. 14 million people are diagnosed with Hashimoto’s each year in the US alone. Hashimoto’s puts you at risk for developing other types of autoimmune disease. Selenium is a trace mineral needed in very small amounts. It’s involved in over 25 different genes related to antioxidants. It also has potent anti-inflammatory effects. Selenium-rich foods include seafood, shellfish, organ meats, and Brazil nuts. Brazil nuts have the highest concentrations of selenium. Two Brazil nuts each day give you 200 mcg of selenium. Several randomized controlled trials found that selenium reduces the antibodies that attack the thyroid. When thyroid-stimulating hormone increases, it does not connect with the thyroid, leading to a hypothyroid condition. Selenium can also help with this condition. If you have Hashimoto’s hypothyroidism, lot