Dr Bergs Healthy Keto And Intermittent Fasting Podcast

Milk Can Kill You?!



Many people believe that raw milk is the number one cause of pathogens in dairy, but is it the raw milk itself causing the problem, or is it contaminated milk? It's important to remember that just because something is pasteurized doesn't automatically make it safe. It's also important to understand that E. coli is not just found in raw milk but can be present in pasteurized milk, too. In fact, we all have E. coli bacteria in our gut right now, which helps with digestion. The problem arises when certain strains of E. coli become pathogenic due to unsanitary conditions on the farm where the milk is produced. This is why knowing where you're getting your dairy products from is crucial, and ensuring that the farm follows strict hygiene protocols. If proper precautions are taken and the farm is clean, raw milk can be a beneficial option. One of the main benefits of consuming raw milk and raw milk cheese is that they contain enzymes that aid digestion. For example, lactase helps break down lacto