Guy Benson Show

Guy Benson Show Labor Day Best Of



3:05pm: (Guy Mono) Monkeypox Mess-up 3:20pm: (Mono Continued) 3:35pm: (Mono Continued) 3:50pm: Guest: Katie Pavlich, Editor for & Fox News Contributor 4:05pm: CALLS Should Trump run in 2024, and should announce before the mid-terms? 4:20pm: CALLS (Continued) 4:35pm: CALLS Who is your favorite political leader (and why)? 4:50pm: CALLS (Continued) 5:05pm: Guest: Senator Tim Scott (R-SC) 5:20pm: (Tim Scott Continued) 5:35pm: (Tim Scott Continued) 5:50pm: Kicker Topic: About Last Night: Gaga Edition Learn more about your ad choices. Visit