Ripley Radio

Sumo Wrestlers, Crying Babies and Ghost Hunting as Family Fun - Episode 179



Believe It or Not! there is an event in Japan in which Sumo wrestlers compete in how long and loud they can make babies cry. The 400-year old traditional spring competition is coming up in April and you’ll hear all about this week from Chad Lewis on Ripley Radio, the official radio program of Ripley’s Believe It or Not! We’ll also hear from a professor of a popular course in death and dying at Cal State who also runs a hospice for dogs on death’s door. Additional Weird and Wacky Stories you’ll Hear on the March 17 Episode of Ripley Radio: Ralf provides the ultimate answer to why the chicken crossed the road, at least in Gainesville, Fla.; Angela tells us that $4.5 billion worth of booze will be consumed on St. Patrick’s Day; Edward is headed to Phoenix this weekend for Ripley’s Bizarre Buying Bazaar at the Arizona Science Center; we hear of students who mixed jelly fish and a peanut butter concoction and now have living peanut butter jelly fish; Robert Robinson, author of the new book, Legend Tripping – Th