Inspiring You With Henri Hebert

Align with the Cosmos: Understanding the Energies of Solstice and Cancer Season | Ep 406



In this episode, we delve into the powerful energies surrounding the onset of Cancer Season 2024, coinciding with the Summer Solstice on June 20th. The Solstice marks a pivotal moment, whether it's the longest or shortest day of the year for you. This celestial event invites us to reflect on our inner and outer worlds. During this time, the veil between realms thins, enhancing nature's healing energies. It's a prime opportunity to set intentions for the remainder of 2024, focusing on what we wish to manifest—be it peace, love, or gratitude. The Universe is always receptive to our desires. Aligned with Cancer Season, ruled by the Moon and characterized by emotional depth, this period encourages us to explore our feelings and nurture ourselves and others. Home and family life come into focus, urging us to create cozy environments and cherish traditions. If you're grappling with self-doubt or life's challenges, Cancer Season offers a chance to embrace your inner strength and prioritize sel