Inspiring You With Henri Hebert

Mini Energy Update for week of June 8-15 | Ep 402



Mini Energy Update for week of June 8-15 Join me in a Beneficial Cosmic Portal Energy Healing Meditation, Activation, and Integration Meditation where we’ll work with this unique cosmic energy to align with your highest timeline - this will be up on my Inspiring You Show podcast or on Inspiring You Show YouTube.This week presents a complex array of challenges, perfect for testing our resilience. It’s all about paying attention to the little things and making adjustments for a sustainable lifestyle. Finding a balance with your energy flow is crucial; avoid swinging to extremes. You might find old emotions bubbling up, ready to be healed and released. If that happens, approach these feelings with kindness and understanding, not with frustration or anger. Should a negative reaction arise, trace it back to its source within you. This prevents you from projecting your discomfort onto others. Delving into the root of your unease can lead to substantial and lasting healing. The potential for meaningful change is tre