Wisdom For Working Mums

Giving our Children the Gift of Emotional Wellbeing interview with Libby Steggles-Ginn



Ask any parent and the thing that we often want most for our children is for them to be happy and healthy.  But most of us we will, at some point in our child’s life, have to help them navigate feelings of lack of confidence, stress, anxiety, problems in friendship groups and worrying. That’s our job as parents but when we are faced with helping our children with these issues there is very little support to do it effectively.  This can leave us feeling helpless at a time when we need to feel resourced to support our children. In this episode I interview Libby Steggles-Ginn. She supports children to manage their emotions and self esteem and confidence so they can feel happy, free and live a healthier more resilient life. Libby is known as the emoji-coach.  She is an International Transformational Coach and is also qualified as an NLP Practitioner, Advanced PSYCH-K and Mindfulness Facilitator and teaches Meditation.