Everything Co-op With Vernon Oakes

Jamila Medley discuss the Partnership Action Fund & Collective Courage Fund



May 23, 2024 Vernon interviews Jamila Medley, Collective Courage Moderator at the Partnership Action Fund. During the interview Jamila shares insights from their personal cooperative journey, and discusses the Collective Courage Fund. Jamila Medley leverages experience working within the economic and racial justice movements to support organizations committed to transformational change. With a background in organizational development, she brings facilitation expertise and thought partnership to highly participatory processes related to governance, strategic planning, and leadership development. Inspired by trust-based philanthropic principles, Jamila stewards The Partnership Fund’s Collective Courage Fund, is board chair of the Independence Public Media Foundation, and a co-lead within Securing Roots. Her solidarity economy building efforts include being a collaborator in projects like Solidarity Resource, the Solidarity Economy Principles Project, Columinate’s Co-op Cafe and she serves on the board of