Spawned With Kristen And Liz Of Coolmompicks

Let's stop freaking out about kids and social media



The new parenting panic du jour: Kids and social media. TERRIFYING! But...wait. What if social media isn't really the problem some experts will tell you it is? What if parents are essentially just handing car keys to kids and being shocked that they don't know how to drive? There's so much more we can do! We think you'll love this episode, full of helpful tips and advice that go way, way beyond "don't send nudes." (Which, duh. Don't send nudes!) Whether your kids have their own Snapchat accounts or seem years away from phones of their own, we think this honest, non-alarmist, positive discussion can help us all raise the next generation of responsible,  thoughtful digital citizens. // Big thanks to our sponsors VSP Vision Plans and Ritual Vitamins (and their special discount for our listeners) for supporting what we do. // Find the show notes on the Cool Mom Picks podcast page, and join the discussion in the Spawned FB community. And don't forget to subscribe so you don't miss an episode. 5-star reviews are al