Spawned With Kristen And Liz Of Coolmompicks

What we get wrong about kids and tech: Jordan Shapiro | Spawned ep 214



Jordan Shapiro is the author of The New Childhood: Raising Kids to Thrive in a Connected World, and he's about to blow your mind. We discuss the benefits of kids and tech,, embracing family screen time, why fear of technology may be worse than actual technology, how video games got such a bad rap, and so much more -- in fact he's completely reshaped our own attitudes about digital parenting. // Shownotes here. // Chat with us in the Spawned FB community and join our Out-Tech Your Kids community to find the most supportive parents! And hey, subscribe to our new Out-Tech Your Kids podcast, for easy 15 minute tech tips for parents each week. // Many thanks to our sponsor, Kobi Kids Natural Deodorant, formulated just for tweens and teens. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit