Martyn Lloyd-jones Sermon Podcast

The Middle Wall of Partition



Galatians 6:14 — In this series on Galatians, Dr. Martyn Lloyd-Jones has presented many reasons why we as people, and specifically as Christians, are to glory in the cross of Christ, as Paul mentions. In this sermo on Galatians 6:14, he presents yet another reason to glory in the cross. It is the cross alone that can produce true unity among men. Men today are striving for unity through worldly measures, but it is not happening. Despite their best efforts, wars and conflicts still run rampant. Only one thing can deal with the tension, war, and strife we are encountering in the world— the cross of Christ. Scripture presents a model for unity, and this is seen from cover to cover as it brought the mighty and lowly together in unity and worship of God. Ultimately, pride is the root cause of this strife. There is nothing in this world that can adequately deal with and address this problem. The cross, however, destroys this pride by showing that everyone is equally sinful and lost. In this way, it levels the playi