

When it comes to home buying priorities, a lot depends on the age of the buyer. An analysis by the New Home Trends Institute shared data about the four generations that are currently buying or planning on buying homes and how much they differ from each other.   Hi I’m Kathy Fettke and this is Real Estate News for Investors.    Now, back to our story about the generational differences among home buyers – You’ve got the Baby Boomers, the Gen X’ers, the Millennials, and Gen Z or the Zoomers. John Burns published this information as a Zoomers to Boomers analysis...   ...That’s it for this episode. You can immerse yourself in all the latest data on rental markets and investing strategies as a RealWealth member. Sign up for free at   Thanks for listening! And don’t forget to hit the podcast subscribe button! Kathy   Links:   1 -