Off Track With Hinch And Rossi

18: 2018 Indy 500 Champion Will Power



The boys are in Chateau d'Autre Bus, from Iowa! Brought to you by the irrefutable CastBox (0:00 - 2:24). This week, the guys sit down with 2018 Indianapolis 500 Champion, Will Power, leaving Hinch as the only one in the room that hasn't won that race -yet- (2:55 - 14:00). Alex was blown away by Will's ability to do the alphabet backwards in the Penske Games, but Slick Willy P lets our guys in on a little secret about that (14:01 - 16:10). Will opens up about his family life (16:11 - 21:29). A quick word about our favorite mattresses, thanks Casper (21:30 - 22:42). Lightning Round: Guilty pleasure movie? Favorite IndyCar Driver {not in the room}? Fastest you've ever driven on the road? (22:43 - 27:58). Battle Royale: Rom Com actors go toe to toe, and our guys aren't exactly sure who counts in the category, Thim judges remotely, until Alex hangs up on him, so it's up to you (27:59 - 36:23). Interview outro (36:24 - 36:46). The guys recap the race in Iowa (36:47 - 44:49). Credits (44:50 - 47:02).+++Off Track wit