Radioactive Metal Podcast

Episode 785 - Normie Fright



Our beloved Heavy Metal has always illicited strong reactions. The strong is evident by the huge international fan base. While the negative, let's just say HM has a rich tradition of scaring the hell out of Joe and Jane Average. Not only by the imagery that frequently goes along the music. But the emotions and ideals that back it up. Artists like Iron Maiden, Ozzy, AC/DC and Punk rock have kept normie boomers up at night. For that we say "Horns Up!" I n our "News, Views and Tunes", we discuss some cool rock docs and The Loch Ness Monster(??!!). Musically, we crank some Impaled Nazarene, Witch Vomit, Hellbutcher, Lori Bravo, JFA, Scowl and Terminal Nation. Horns Up!