Being Well With Lauren

Episode 11 Being well with Lauren



I have been unwell for several days ...quite sick in bed with a cluster of migraines, nausea, and some very real significant sadness - I made a promise to myself before I started my podcasts that I would upload podcasts through ‘the rain hail and shine of my life’ so today we have a talk about sadness and light with a prayer. I am still a little unwell as I podcast but I wanted to present to you in the raw moment as I feel right now so that the moment is authentic and our sharing is more experiential. I have been sad and I talk of this sadness and I ask you about your sadness and I talk of the world's sadness. And then we come full circle back to perspective but owning the right to our own feelings within that global perspective. This owning of our feelings gives us opportunity to grow in wisdom, empathy and love.   Life is a journey and sometimes we fall and the fall may brings pain loss and perhaps heartache but at our feet there are always new flowers breaking through the earth and perhaps God brought the