Kyle Meredith With...

Il Divo’s David Miller on 20 Years, High Notes, and Covering Whitney Houston and Gnarls Barkley



Il Divo co-founder David Miller joins Kyle Meredith to talk about the band's new album XX, an LP that comes on the heels of Il Divo's 20th anniversary and sees the group coving artist like Whitney Houston, Gnarls Barkley, and Willie Nelson. Listen to the new episode.The tenor talks about going independent after parting ways with Simon Cowell, losing founding member Carlos Marin, and how XX connects to their earliest work. Miller goes on to discuss the vocal tips and tricks he’s acquired over the years, how he's been able to maintain his vocal register, and the story behind the sole original song on XX.Listen to Il Divo co-founder David Miller talk about all this or watch it on YouTube. You can also pick up tickets to one of Il Divo's upcoming concerts here.To keep up to date with all the latest from Kyle Meredith With... follow on your favorite podcast platform; keep up to date with all our series by following the Consequence Podcast Network.Our Sponsors:* Check out Asterpro: www.asteproallerg