Raw Talk With Sheena

#55 Even Higher Frequencies with Wendy Kennedy



In this second episode with Wendy Kennedy and the Ninth Dimensional Pleiadian Collective, Raw Talk covers the topics of channeling, manifestation, failure, parenting, authenticity and fighting for causes. This partly channeled episode is inspiring, educational and possibly challenging. Wendy's insight is always a refreshingly expansive viewpoint of the world and individual challenges of present. For more information or to contact Wendy for a private reading, please visit her website: http://higherfrequencies.net For more information on the Basic Witch Supercourse taking place October 20-22, 2017, with Amberleigh and Sheena, please visit http://www.basicwitch.net. To join the private Raw Talk With Sheena facebook group, follow this link: https://www.facebook.com/groups/1826596414263228/