Ara City Radio

Bourgmeisterin Episode #25: Cercle Cité, the building that never was



Welcome to the "Zerkel" – the town's fancy way of saying the "Cercle municipal" on the Place d'Armes in Luxembourg City. It's not just any old office building – it's where the magic happens... administrative magic, that is. We're talking banquet halls, folks! Because who doesn't dream of having a board meeting and a wedding reception in the same place? Now, let's talk geography. This place is strategically located on the eastern bank of the Place d'Armes, which is a fancy way of saying a river. To the north, you've got Lantergässel, which probably translates to "Lantern Alley" – clearly, the Illuminati's hideout. To the south, we've got Paschtoueschgaass, which is where Luxembourg's coolest street party happens. Just don't ask me to pronounce it correctly