

The affordable housing gap is growing with a huge 7.2 million rental homes needed to meet demand. A new report on the supply of affordable homes in the US shows that no state has enough supply to meet the needs of low-income renters.    Hi I’m Kathy Fettke and this is Real Estate News for Investors. Find out more about how you can provide affordable single-family rental homes as a RealWealth member. It’s free to join and to learn how to invest wisely. Go to And please remember to subscribe to this podcast!   This new study is called: “The Gap: A Shortage of Affordable Homes.” The National Low Income Housing Coalition conducts this study every year to determine the extent of this unmet demand. The 7.2 million figure refers to a shortage of homes for extremely low-income families or what’s referred to as ELI renter households. These families have incomes which are at or below the poverty level or are earning just 30% of the median income in their areas...   Links:   1 - https://www.housin