

2 Corinthians 5:20 — Listen to Dr. Martyn Lloyd-Jones as he preaches this sermon on 2 Corinthians 5:20 and the ease with which humanity drifts from the primary principles and why are they here on earth. Look at the picture of an ambassador – someone appointed and called by God to bring the news of the gospel. This is a person who has been given a brief and important message; they are not bringing their own opinion or ideas. What does the gospel say about this great responsibility? Learn of humanity’s exceeding need to be reconciled to God: “If One died for all, then all are dead.” All are in need of this reconciliation because of who humanity is and who God is. Learn that all humanity is spiritually dead under the wrath of God, and unless this is changed, they will not reap the blessings of God. There is hope and God offers this needed reconciliation through His only Son. The Lord’s Supper displays this incomprehensible sacrifice God made to satisfy His own wrath. Today is the day of salvation; nothing else i