Igor Kheifets List Building Lifestyle

IKS009: How To Convert Without Proof



Ever wonder why most people scoff when you tell them you're working from home?   It's simply because all too many people lie through their teeth to recruit new reps. Especially when they're brand new at this. They're being taught to "fake it 'till they make it. Which essentially means, they're given permission to lie through their teeth about their earnings. So they either inflate their numbers... ...or straight up make those up! This is true 99% of the time... Because most peolpe selling money-making advice and opportunities are dead broke. Okay, Igor... So how do you sell without proof? How do you get people's attention and trust without a single testimonial, income screenshot or guru endorsement? Great question. First -- you never lie. That's just stupid. And wrong. And really-really stupid. The prospective buyer can ALWAYS tell if you're lying. Usually, it's a gut level feeling they can't explain. All they know it's best to stay away from you! Can you blame them? I sure can't. And that goes double for you