Igor Kheifets List Building Lifestyle

IKS082: The Psycho-Quirk Which Finally Explains The Shiny Object Syndrome



Do you jump from opportunity to opportunity? Do you get a "high" after purchasing a product or a service? Do you think "I must keep spending money until something works out"? If you answered yes to any of the above questions, I got good news and bad news. The bad news: you suffer from "shiny object syndrome". It's not recognized (yet) by the medical establishment as a disease. But it's real. And it afflicts people who want more from life, bust their a$$ off yet have minimal results. The good news: in today's List Building Lifestyle episode I give you the prescription to help you fight off the disease and never hunt shiny objects ever again . When healed, you'll focus on the things that matter in your business, make more sales and enjoy a stress free life, never again hopping from opportunity to opportunity. Get your cure today.