Igor Kheifets List Building Lifestyle

IKS083: How To Talk To People On The Phone About Your Biz Opp With Devon Brown



Ever wondered how some people always sell high ticket opportunities while you struggle with a $7 product? I mean are they magicians of some kind? No. They are humans like you and me. But they have a technique up their sleeve that's a game-changer. And today one of those real life magicians, my man Devon Brown, explains this mesmerizing technique. When he used it on a client, he exclaimed "Wait! Aren't you going to sell me anything?". All Devon had to do then, was tell him about the $3,000 opportunity he was selling and the client replied "OK. Let me get my credit card". It's THAT powerful. And that's not all. Because I am a prince of a guy, I take it a step further. Me and Devon put on our acting hats and roleplay a real life scenario, using his technique. You see from A to Z what it takes to warm up prospects, make them feel comfortable, and even how to make the dreaded close of high ticket opportunities feel like second nature to you.