Compliance Perspectives

Greg Garcia on Healthcare Cybersecurity Risk [Podcast]



By Adam Turteltaub At the center of managing cyber risk in healthcare sits the Health Sector Coordinating Council Cybersecurity Working Group (LinkedIn). In this podcast, Executive Director Greg Garcia explains that healthcare has been designated as a part of the critical infrastructure, and the council has as its mission to: “identify systemic cybersecurity threats to critical healthcare infrastructure; collaborate on guidance and policies for mitigating those risks; and promote threat preparedness and incident response awareness and activities.” It’s a needed mission. The number of data breaches have soared, and ransomware has emerged as a top threat, crippling the ability of healthcare providers to care for patients. The Council recently released its Health Industry Cybersecurity – Strategic Plan. A five-year plan, it identifies trends, goals and objectives for securing healthcare technology infrastructure. One key goal, in the words of the plan, recognizes that, “A trusted healthcare delivery ecosyste