

Earth Day is here again, as a reminder to celebrate this beautiful planet we live on. For real estate investors, It's also a reminder to check on our own properties and do whatever we can to make them more resilient to natural disasters. Climate resiliency is what CoreLogic says is the key to “future real estate stability.”   Environmental risk is becoming more important for anyone buying property, whether it’s due to potential flooding, wildfires, hurricanes or even sea level changes. Although climate-related natural disasters pose a financial threat to every industry, they pose a huge threat to the real estate industry which also accounts for a substantial portion of our US economy...   ...If you haven’t done it already, let Earth Day be an inspiration to do the research you need to make your properties more resilient to climate-related events. It may also help guide you as to where you want to invest and how to fortify your portfolio against the risks, not just for you but for future generations.   You’ll